Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The first step into a larger world

Hi everyone! My name is Robin Amourous and I am a writer. Today marks the first step for me in to a much larger world. Let me tell you about me. As I said, I am a writer. Now, I am not a professional writer who gets paid for their articles or stories but, I am starting on that path after doing it mainly as a hobby for many years.

I created this blog for many reasons. First, I was told by several supporters and fans of my works that I should. Second, it is a chance to get better at what I do. I once saw a poster that had an inspirational tag line on it that said 'Even the best can get better'. Third, this is way for me to connect with people who have read some of my work and to get new fans. Finally, it is a way to share things I like or my views on something.

So you are probably asking what will this blog be about. Great question! Its going to be about pretty much anything! I have such a wide variety of interest that I could quite possibly write the most random blog in history! This could be everything from my hobbies to career goals to just random observations. Those who already have seem my work know some of my favorite subjects and yes I will be posting stuff like that here.

Things you will see on my blog will include moments of geekiness over hobby related things, news about my writing endeavors, my point of view on social media, and any other random thought that pops in my head I feel is worth sharing.

Those who have read my works already know the subject matter. I feel I must let everyone know that there will be times I might touch on adult themes. It what I mostly write about and get asked for a lot. If this kind of stuff offends you, then please just skip over it.

Things you won't see on my blog are long winded political rants. I can't guarantee I won't give my two cents worth of opinion if its a big enough issue but, I won't be getting political just to be political. You won't see any hate speech. Life is too short for hate. Everyone has their unique views and that's what makes the world go round.

While I can't promise that this will get updated every day, I am excited to see where this goes and what the future holds. I hope you will all join me on this wild ride of life! 

Robin A.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rbin, can't wait to see how this blog will turn out !

    Stephanie ♥
